Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In ancient Greece, Homer once said that money can make the most sainted person into an evill person.
Matthew 6:24 says, "No onoe can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon (money).

What does Jesus mean that you cannot have two masters...God and Money?   Why not?

What does it mean to serve money as a master?

How can you tell if money is a master to you?

Why do you think that countries like the United States ignore the teachings of Jesus when it comes to money?  Think about who controls the money and the media.  Is it the top, middle, or bottom of society?   


Questions taken from DARE FROM JESUS 2 by Maark Oestreicher 2003.   Page 26. Youth Specialties books published by Zondervan.


  1. I believe that Jesus meant when he said you cannot have two masters is that money can be very overpowering. People in this world have the constant need to buy, and to get new things. I believe getting new things aren't the bad part but if needing to constantly have money just for the greed, that is what I believe is the problem. God brought us into the world and loving Him is all we can do to repay him. Having a distraction in our life such as money, takes us away from Him and can draw us away from Him and His teachings. Most girls in my school go to the mall ever Sunday but instead I would prefer to be in church, thanking God for all that He gives us. You could tell if money was a master to you when you constantly make excuses for going to church to go attend something else, like in my last example, the mall. Everything in their is greed, materialistic things that are just unnecessary but that person only brings it on themselves, because they are disconnecting themselves from the most important thing, God and His lessons. I think countries like the United States ignore the teachings from Jesus because they feel power. And with power comes greed. The government controls the money, and with the feeling of being "superior" I think that they really haven't thought much about His lessons. It depresses me that people would let such a distraction get in the way of connect with our Father.

    Effie Makris

  2. Effie: You got it down real well. Awesome! Remember when Jesus was walking and a rich man asked Him what he must do to inherit eternal life? Jesus told him to sell everything, give it to the poor, and then follow Him. He could not and walked away. That is when Jesus said, "it is easier for a camel to go through an eye of the needle rather than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.

    Keep up the great work!

    You are doing great!

    Thank you.

    Theio Mike

    1. Theio Mike: Yes, I remember that and that is why i am so happy that our GOYA in church is always trying to do some charity work!!


    2. Dear Effie:

      I think as Orthodox Christians, we are responsible for helping the poor. GOYA is doing a great job with that. As the economy gets worse, and people cannot buy food, we should get even more involved.

      Keep it up. We will work on doing something as Sunday School as well. We will talk about that.

      Theio Mike

  3. Mike! These are such important things for people to think about. Money can truly change people's expectations and behaviors. You're doing a wonderul job on your blog and I really like way your expressing your thoughts and allowing people to promote theirs. Nice work!
